Chickpea tapas with peppers, chorizo and eggs

This is a really delicious and simple tapas-style sharing dish that’s perfect for summer lunches and suppers. The key, as always, is to prepare the ingredients in a logical order so that everything is ready when you need to assemble it at the end. There are more ideas for making a tapas feast in this earlier post. Pray for some sunny days!

Serves 4 as a tapas dish

  • 1 x 400g can of chickpeas. You could use a jar or soak dried beans overnight and cook the next day.
  • Half a chorizo ring, skin off, chopped into small cubes
  • 2 tbsps good quality extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 tbs of good quality red wine vinegar
  • Salt and pepper
  • Paprika
  • 2 large free range eggs
  • 2 long red peppers

To make…

  • First, pop the red peppers on a baking tray and pop into a hot oven (200C) for 25 minutes. The skin will blister and blacken so it becomes easy to slip off. Remove from the oven, set aside and allow to cool. Carefully slip off the skin and remove the seeds. Cut into long strips and add to your serving dish.
  • Meanwhile, cook the boiled eggs – boil for 7 minutes, Cool, peel and quarter. Set aside.
  • In a small frying pan over a high heat, add the chorizo and fry until a little crisp on the outside. Set aside.
  • Drain the chickpeas and pour them over a double sheet of kitchen roll to dry them off slightly.
  • In the bottom of your serving dish, add the olive oil and red wine vinegar and a little salt and pepper to season. Whisk together to emulsify slightly. Add the chickpeas and red peppers and mix thoroughly with the dressing. Scatter the chorizo over the mixture and arrange the egg slices on top. Dust with a little paprika. I added a few fresh thyme leaves but that’s optional.

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About Janet Davies @pigeoncottage

Food lover, author, cook!
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